
Basque Country

Pasai Donibane Basque Country

Pasai Donibane

Very close to San Sebastian is the village of Pasajes, located in the bay of the same name. This bay, much more protected than that of La Concha in Donosti, thanks to its long mouth, contains other villages on its shores, and Pasajes itself is divided into 4 neighbourhoods that are considerably separated from each […]

Aiako Harria Natural Park Basque Country

Aiako Harria Natural Park

As we mentioned in a previous post, Gipuzkoa has 4 natural parks, protected spaces of great beauty and historical-cultural interest that should be visited if you like nature or if you want to get to know our region better. Near San Sebastian we find 2 of these natural parks: Pagoeta and Aiako Harria. The latter […]

The 9 natural parks of the Basque Country Basque Country

The 9 natural parks of the Basque Country

The Basque Country is known for its nature, the bright green mountains are one of the most characteristic elements of our geography and one of our attractions. As it could not be otherwise, some of these mountains and their surroundings are protected, to preserve our natural environment for future generations and are perfect places for […]

Christmas in the Basque Country Basque Country

Christmas in the Basque Country

December arrives and with the onset of the month the cold becomes more noticeable, the days are clearly shorter and Christmas is just around the corner. It is also a time with so many public holidays that it is normal to take advantage of them and visit other places during the last holidays of the […]

Azpeitia: A Journey to the Heart of the Basque Country Basque Country

Azpeitia: A Journey to the Heart of the Basque Country

Not far from San Sebastian, some 40 kilometres away, is the town of Azpeitia. This town in the heart of the province of Gipuzkoa is known for three reasons: The first: they also celebrate the day of San Sebastian with a tamborrada. The second, they have a very interesting railway museum that will delight young […]

What to see and do in Zarautz Basque Country

What to see and do in Zarautz

The Basque Country has points that you must visit at least once in your life, as they will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the northern part of the peninsula. Undoubtedly, one of those points is the incredible town of Zarautz, located on the coast of the province of Guipuzcoa. The town is the […]

Basque Country

What to see in Deba, Guipúzcoa: exploring all its corners

The Basque coast hides different municipalities that over the years have been attracting more and more travelers due to their wealth. Deba is a clear example of them, managing to make thousands of travelers fall in love with its landscape surrounded by the coast, cliffs and mountains. Today we will address a small guide on […]

Basque Country

4 trips in Gipuzkoa that you can’t say no

Gipuzkoa is one of the most impressive destinations in the national territory. The province not only has impressive landscapes that have led millions of people to dream, even taking them to the big screen, but you can also discover unique monuments and enjoy exquisite cuisine. If it has been chosen as your next destination and […]

Basque Country

Monte Ulia, San Sebastián

A place unknown to most tourists, but full of magic and unique corners. If you like nature and hiking, this destination is a mandatory stop on your visit to San Sebastián, we are talking about the fantastic Monte Ulia. From the neighborhoods of Gros and Ulia to reaching Pasajes is the extension that this mountain, […]

Aiako_harria Basque Country

Peñas de Aia

If you are a lover of hiking and you like to enjoy nature and the environment that surrounds the different natural spaces, visiting Guipúzcoa will be one of the best decisions you will ever make. This Basque province has a multitude of green areas, visited by more than 180,000 people throughout most of the year. […]

Basque Country

Basque Tourism Code of Ethics

We signed up to the Basque Tourism Code of Ethics when the project was launched to adapt the peculiarities of the culture and environment of the Basque Country to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030, as well as to the Global Code of Ethics developed by the World Tourism Organization. When […]

Basque Country

Basque witchcraft

The Basque Country is land of witchcraft and paganism, just look at the fact that here in Christmas the person bringing presents is a Gentile from ancient times. The sorgina is one of the most featured characters of this cultural heritage of ours. Although at first is tempting to translate “sorgina” simply as “witch” in […]