
Talo, the basque taco



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If you ever come to San Sebastian during holidays, like Christmas or a sport event like the Flag of La Concha, you’ll probably see in the streets many stands where dozens of people crowd together. Approach without fear, with your stomach ready to enjoy with one of the most exquisite and traditional delicacies in a land famous for its exquisite and traditional delicacies.


This fluffy corn tortilla it’s always eaten with some kind of delicious stuffing. The traditional is the txistorra, with a glass of cider as accompaniment of course, although recently more modern versions of stuffing have spread. Chocolate, cheese (the talo is eaten warm so these two melt), black pudding, bacon, fried egg… and nowadays even the traditional talo is open to vegan options. I’m not a big fan of these, but well, this way everybody can enjoy.

(Photo: Our companions Alba and Pablo enjoying their talos)

In the end that’s what is all about, enjoying all in good company with a good talo in our hands!