Bandera de La Concha

Since 1879, the two first weekends in September you can find the “trainera” races in La Concha Bay. This sport is done all over the North of Spain, and these two weeks are the peak of the year, as this competition is the most important one of all.
This sport is based in an old job that existed in the north shore of Spain, the hunting of the whales. Long boats were used, with 5 rowers, a harpooner and a skipper, to get to the whales and hunt them with harpoons. According to history, the first ship that harpooned the animal had the right to hunt it. Nowadays, we do not hunt whales in this waters, but this sport remains as a connection with that past.
During this celebration, the city is covered with the colours of the local team, also we receive thousands of visitors, as people from the whole Basque Country to Galicia take part in this event. Every person wears the colours of the team they support, and the old town is buzzing with music and happy people enjoying the competition, making the atmosphere a once-in-a-lifetime experience. There is no party like this one, so we invite you to come to San Sebastian at the beginning of September and experience a unique festivity.