Sanctuary of Arantzazu

Built in the middle of the 20th century between precipices and cavities, the Arantzazu Sanctuary hangs at 750 metres over an emerald green valley and stands out because of its big dimensions and because of the talent that gathered during its construction. We are talking about one of the most magical and unique places in all the province.
Located less than 10 kms away from the curious town of Oñati, the history of the heart of Gipuzkoan religiosity goes back to the first half of the 15th century and has suffered many transformations result of necessity. Without a doubt the most important is the one made from the year 1950, that saw the work union of some of the most prominent national artists of the 20th century. Eduardo Chillida worked on the gates, while the façade was in the charge of Jorge Oteiza, being Nestor Basterretxea who painted the crypt. Only to say a few.
Of this conjunction of talent something very special emerged. The sanctuary is a complex that seems something out from a science fiction history, a piece from another world or time that ended up stranded in the rural gipuzkoan landscape