
Frequently asked questions on your trip to San Sebastian

Frequently asked questions



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When we travel, we always have doubts about some topics or even worse… we need to find certain places for some mishap on the trip, that’s why Go Local is here to give you a hand in your visit to Donosti!

About public transportation:

How to pay for public transportation in San Sebastian?

The local Donostibus (the green and blue one) can be paid with cash, contactless credit card or with a smartphone that has NFC (Near Field COmmunication) technology. You can also pay with MUGI, BAT, BARIK, Sebastian and Basque Card.

How to pay for public transportation in the rest of the region?

To go to the rest of the province, apart from cash, you can pay by using the MUGI or Lurraldebus cards (any of its variants) BAT, BARIK or tourist cards, or with contactless credit cards.

Is there a card so it is cheaper?

Yes, the MUGI or Lurraldebus cards (any of its variants) BAT, BARIK and tourist cards

From where do I hop on the bus?

From the front. If you are in a wheelchair, you have mobility problems or you have a kids trolley you go inside through the center and then go to the front to pay.

Can I go with my dog on the bus?

If your dog is big you have to carry it with a leash and a muzzle, if it is small you can carry it in your arms.

About health:

Where do I have to go if I have a medical emergency?

Other than the city’s hospital, you can go to Bengoetxea St., where the emergency room is.

Are there drug stores that open 24h?

Yes, at Idiaquez St there is a 24h drug store.

Where can I see which pharmacys are open?

In the Gipuzkoa’s Pharmacists Official Union webpage.

Where can I check out the COVID regulations in the Basque Country?

In the website

About the beaches:

Are the beaches open all year round?

Yes, beaches in San Sebastian are open every single day of the year, but there are no services in the low season.

Is there a baywatch service?

Only during the summer months, not the rest of the year.

Is bathing in La Zurriola safe?

Only when there is a green flag- You have to be really careful with sea currents.

Can I go to the beach with my dog?

Except during the summer months, dogs are allowed to go to the beach.

About mobility:

Should I move around San Sebastian by car?

No, San Sebastian is a very uncomfortable city to move by car, better go on foot, by bus or bike.

How long does it take to get to the Peine del Viento on foot?

Forty minutes alongside the Paseo de la Concha from the city center.

What bus can I take to get to the Igeldo mount cable cart?

Number 16, at Oquendo St or next to Londres hotel. It leaves you right at the funicular’s door.

Where can I get a map?

At the tourist office on the Boulevard.


What language are the street names written in?

The street plaques are both in Basque and Spanish, but in Google you will only find them in Basque.

Is there a lost items office?

In the Local Police offices, located at the Morlans roundabout 1.

Do I have to carry my dog on a leash on the streets?

Yes, it is mandatory except in those areas that are designed for dogs.

Should I carry an umbrella?

Yes, and be sure it resists the wind.