Basque Railway Museum

In the Basque Country we have a history that is very tied up with iron. From the iron workers from the inside of the region to the gunmakers from Eibar… to the trains, which connected villages that were historically isolated like the boats in the river back in the day did. In 150 years this revolutionized not only their lives, but the industries in the Basque Country.
If you want to see this steel beasts first handed you have to go to the Basque Train Museum in Azpeitia.
This museum is located in a former mechanical factory from the Urola Railroad Company, which was inaugurated in 1925 and is exactly as it was back then. There you will find more than sixty vehicles totally restored and working, as not in vain it is one of the best collections of this type in Europe.
The best? That from Easter onwards every sunday and festive day they have a little locomotive to make a small trip! You can believe me when I tell you that is an amazing experience.