
Bella Easo



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Donostia-San Sebastian has been known by several names. Irutxulo, Gaztelupe… and La Bella Easo (like a muffin brand). Although during our tours we normally explain the origins of the first two ones, which are linked to peculiarities of our city, the third one is a little bit more complicated. 

In Ancient times, Oiasso was a Vasconian city, that the roman historians located in a big estuary of the Mare Externum (the Atlantic, that is). Throughout the XIX century many though that that civitas, that they referred to as Easo, was located in the space occupied by Donosti. As it happened at the same time as the elitist tourism was rising and the construction of the beautiful buildings of the central district, they added the last name “bella” (beautiful).

Nowadays, we know that Oiasso was located not in Donosti, but in Irún. And I especially recommend you to visit the Oiasso Museum, its exhibition and activities are very interesting and the ruins over there are some of the few roman remains we have around Donosti!