Advices on two wheels

Donostia is a great city to visit by bike. It is fun, and also healthy and fast, move around by car and park in San Sebastián can sometimes become an odyssey! And in Go Local we know this well, because we go across the city daily during the E-bike Tour. That’s why, to encourage you to enjoy pedalling, and spare you from an annoyance, we share with you a series of advices on this subject.
- As a general rule, riding on the sidewalk is not allowed. If you do it you expose yourself to a fine of at least 50€.
- The Old Town is very forbidden for bikes. It is also an area of narrow streets full of people, you won’t enjoy riding through it at all. In the Old Town the best thing is to walk.
- In those stretches where bikes and pedestrian coexist, the latter always have priority. Also you should respect the maximum speed of 10 km per hour and 1 meter clearance.
- Even if it is not necessary, we recommend you to wear a helmet when going on a road.
- Take advantage of the 30 km of bike lane (Bide Gorri) that Donosti has, it allows you to go comfortably to almost any corner of the city. It also connects to other cities’ nets enlarging a lot the options that offers.
- A lot of children and old people use to cross or walk on the bidegorri without looking, pay attention to them for more safety. And for that you need all of your senses, so don’t go with earphones (which is also forbidden).
- To park your bike use the biketracks. In Donosti we have the rooted habit of locking them in trees and railings, but for some time now the city council is getting serious about this respect removing badly parked bikes and putting fines.
- Only the buses that go to the upper areas of the city, like Hospitales, allow bikes on them, if there is space inside.
- If you have to make a call get off the bike. Talking on the phone while riding can be expensive (200€ of fine), and it is dangerous.
- Cross the Morlans tunnel, it is very cool!
Nothing else. Hundreds of people trust their bikes to move around Donosti everyday. If you are curious come to Go Local and try one of our great Orbea bikes that we rent for hours.

( Photo: ´Bidegorris¨ in Donostia)